
Linux Systemhaus Herford

Download kerkelinn

kerkelinn is a small webserver to be used with tcpserver or other internet superdaemons. kerkelinn is a fork of the no longer maintained fnord by Felix von Leitner. Kerkelinn includes many free available patches to fnord and some more.

New features in kerkelinn not available as patches to fnord:

  • With a define of ALLURLSTOINDEXPHP kerkelinn will call /index.php for every URL requested with REQUEST_URI still set to the original request. This feature is needed by some PHP software like some CMS. see README.ALLURLSTOINDEXPHP
  • With a define of FULLCHROOT kerkelinn tries to chroot to a directory named HOST.DOMAIN.TLD%PORT and tries to set UID and GID to the values of the dir. This offers CGI-Support in a chrooted environment. see README.FULLCHROOT

Latest Version: kerkelinn-1.13.1.tgz (approx 200 KB)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Frank W. Bergmann
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Rechtliche Hinweise

Keywords dieser Seite: Linux, Systemhaus, Herford, LPI, LPIC, LPIC-2, LPIC-3, zertifiziert, Zertifizierung, Linux-Systemhaus, Unix, Betriebssystem, Linux, Systementwicklung, Optimierung, Systemprogramme, Programmierung, Software-Entwicklung, Patches, System-Administration, Systemadministration, OpenSource, Performance, Monitoring-Spezialist, Monitoringsystem, Nagios, Monitoring, Nagios-Plugin, Nagios-Server, NRPE, SNMP, IT-Security, Nameserver, DYNDNS, Hosting, Webhoster, Webhosting-Unternehmen, Webserver, Domainhosting, Domains, Virtual-Root, VirtualRoot, Linux-Distribution, Linux-Software, Linux-System, Linux-Hosts, Mail-Server, Mailprovider, Mailserver, Spamschutz, DNSBL, Technische Dokumentation, Administration, Sicherheitskonzept, Software-Entwicklung, Softwareentwicklung, Softwareprojekt, Datenschutz, Datensicherheit, Distribution, GNU GPL, Hardware, Firewire, IT-Dienstleister, IT-Dienstleistung, Internet-Fullservice, Internetserver, Netzwerk, Netzwerkadministration, Netzwerkdienste, Netzwerke, Netzwerktechnik, Programm, Programmiersprachen, Projekt, Python, Risikoanalyse, Virtual-Root-Server, Router, SMTP-Relay, SNMP, Schulungen, Security, Server, Serverdienste, Spam-Empfang, Spam-Versand, Spamassassin, Spammer, Spammer-Datenbanken, Spammer-Netze, Spammerlisten, Spamtrap, Linux-Systemhaus, Herford, Linux